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Donate to the Belmont Child Care Association This Holiday Season / Monday, December 5, 2011

Please help the Belmont Child Care Association bring smiles to the 500 children of the Backstretch workers this holiday season by donating to the 10th Annual Anna House Holiday Event. It will be held on December 10th, at The Turf and Field Club at Belmont Park.

On this special day, the children select presents for their family members and one for themselves, making their Christmas morning an exceptional one for all.

Please help the Belmont Child Care Association bring smiles to the 500 children of the Backstretch workers this holiday season by donating to the 10th Annual Anna House Holiday Event. It will be held on December 10th, at The Turf and Field Club at Belmont Park.

On this special day, the children select presents for their family members and one for themselves, making their Christmas morning an exceptional one for all.
Donations of new toys, gifts for teens, presents for Moms and Dads are also gratefully accepted. Help them make this the best holiday event yet! Financial donations are also accepted.

Click here for donation information.

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